Live Your Life According To The Three Laws Of Lord Vishnu

Manifestation expert and astrologer, Manavi who runs MANA in Rishikesh shares her insights and knowledge on various aspect of spirituality, religion, dharma and more, on her Instagram page.

In one of her popular series, she speaks about “Laws Of Vishnu” that one must incorporate in their life. Here are three laws of Lord Vishnu, as told by her.

Do Your Dharma

Why is Goddess Lakshmi depicted as sitting at Vishnu’s feet? Why does Lakshmi settle for Vishnu? Because Vishnu represents the follower of Dharma. What does it take to be Vishnu? Dharma must be understood in depth. Dharma is not moral. Dharma is not right or wrong because that can vary from society to society and time to time.

What might be Dharmik as per one society might be adharmik as per another society. But Dharma really means your duty. Wherever you are placed, in whatever situation you find yourself, are you doing your Dharma? Are you doing what you are meant to do? Are you answering that soul calling? That’s what Vishnu primarily stands for.


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