What Does Being Spiritual Mean To You?

MANA, an astrologer and manifestation expert who runs the page @aumanarishikesh on Instagram, shared a video on what spirituality means.

She said, “Being spiritual doesn’t mean running into the forest, escaping, and avoiding life. Being spiritual means getting rooted where you are, finding your power, discovering your strength, finding love and peace within you so that you can face whatever life throws at you with dignity.”

“Spirituality is not some artificial sense of peace and bliss found somewhere else. In the middle of the chaos of life, in the middle of madness, you can operate at your highest in every situation. Spirituality means having the clarity to know what is right or wrong for you and for the ones around you in the moment you are in. Spirituality gives you the strength to face life, not to commit suicide, not to go on antidepressants, not to go on medication.”

Spirituality is a different kind of power found within. One must disconnect to reconnect with the self, but not to avoid life, to be able to face life with dignity and a sense of wonder, without losing your joy because of what life has given you.

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